Research on Addiction (Oct 2009)
Bowen\'s Self-Differentiation Training and the Relapse of Substance Abuse Symptoms
Introduction: The present study examined the effectiveness of Bowen’s self-differentiation training in reducing the relapse rate of substance abuse symptoms, which was conducted in East Azarbaijan. Method: In this purpose, by using of random sampling and through public announcement, 36 addict participants were selected and assigned randomly to experimental and witness groups (18 participants to each group). APS and DSI-R administered among all participants as pretest. The addicted participants who assigned to experimental group were trained by Bowen's self-differentiation training, but control group was not received any treatment. After two months, both groups assessed by DSI-R and APS as post test. The data was analyzed by ANCOVA. Results: The results showed the significatnt effectiveness of Bown's self-differentiation training on studied variables. Conclusion: With consideration of results, Bowen's self defferentiation training can decrease the relapse rate among substance abusers.