Jurnal Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjadjaran (Dec 2021)

<p>Uji mikrostruktur prototipe implan gigi titanium pasca perlakuan modifikasi permukaan Alternate Soaking Process dengan konsentrasi CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 yang berbeda<p></p> Microstructural examination of titanium dental implant prototype after alternate soaking process surface modification treatment with different concentrations of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4<p>

  • Nina Djustiana,
  • Muhammad Asrun Adi Saputra Syam,
  • Yanwar Faza,
  • Arief Cahyanto

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 33, no. 3
pp. 247 – 253


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Pendahuluan: Beberapa metode telah dikembangkan dalam meningkatkan proses osseointegrasi implan titanium diantaranya yaitu alternate soaking process. Metode ini terbukti menciptakan kekasaran porositas dan senyawa CaP pada implan melalui perendaman di dalam larutan CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui gambaran mikrostruktur dari prototipe implan gigi titanium yang dimodifikasi permukaan dengan metode alternate soaking process dengan konsentrasi CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 yang berbeda. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif eksploratif. Sampel penelitian, berupa prototipe implan titanium (20 x 15 x 0,5 mm), dibagi menjadi 4 kategori berdasarkan perlakuan yaitu sampel yang tidak diberikan pre-treatment dan modifikasi permukaan sebagai kontrol (L0) dan sampel yang diberikan pre-treatment dan modifikasi permukaan dengan metode alternate soaking process dengan konsentrasi larutan CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 yang berbeda (67 mmol/L dan 40 mmol/L (L1), 200 mmol/L dan 120 mmol/L (L2), 600 mmol/L dan 360 mmol/L (L3)). Hasil: Hasil uji mikrostruktur mempelihatkan sampel L0 tidak berporus, sedangkan sampel L1, L2 dan L3 terlihat berporus dengan ukuran porus masing-masing 80-150, 400-700 dan 50-90 μm. Peningkatan konsentrasi CaCl2 dan Na2HPO4 meningkatkan jumlah deposit putih (CaP) dipermukaan prototipe implan titanium. Sampel kontrol L0 memperlihatkan lapisan TiO2 lebih tinggi dibandingkan sampel L1, L2 dan L3 dengan angka ketebalan masing-masing sebagai berikut: 135 , 70.5, 104 dan 92 μm. Simpulan: Prototipe implan gigi titanium yang dimodifikasi permukaan dengan metode alternate soaking process dengan konsentrasi CaCl2 200 mmol/L dan Na2HPO4 20 mmol/L menghasilkan mikrostruktur berporus yang berpotensi lebih optimal dalam menginduksi pertumbuhan jaringan tulang. Kata kunci: implan gigi; titanium; modifikasi permukaan; alternate soaking process ABSTRACT Introduction: Several methods have been developed to improve the osseointegration process of titanium implants, including the alternate soaking process. This method was proven to create porosity roughness and CaP compounds on implants through immersion in a solution of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4. The study aimed to determine the microstructure of the surface-modified titanium dental implant prototype using the alternate soaking process method with different concentrations of CaCl2 and Na2HPO4. Methods: A descriptive exploratory research was conducted on the samples, which were titanium implant prototype sized 20x15x0.5mm, divided into four categories based on the treatment. Samples without pre-treatment and surface modification were determined as control (L0). Samples with pre-treatment and surface modification using the alternate soaking process method with CaCl2 and Na2HPO4 solutions of 67 mmol/L and 40 mmol/L were determined as L1; concentrations of 200 mmol/L and 120 mmol/L as L2; concentrations of 600 mmol/L and 360 mmol/L as L3. Results: The microstructural examinations showed that samples in the L0 group were not porous, while samples in the L1, L2, and L3 groups appeared to be porous, with the porous size of 80-150, 400-700, and 50-90 m, respectively. Increasing CaCl2 and Na2HPO4 increased the amount of white deposit (CaP) on the titanium implant prototype surface. The samples in group L0 showed a higher TiO2 layer than samples in group L1, L2, and L3 with thickness figures of 135, 70.5, 104, and 92 m, consecutively. Conclusions: Surface modified titanium dental implant prototype with alternate soaking process method with 200 mmol/L of CaCl2 and 20 mmol/L of Na2HPO4 produced a porous microstructure which has the potential to be more optimal in inducing bone tissue growth. Keywords: dental implant; titanium; surface modification; alternate soaking process
