Memorie vs memoriali: conflitti di attestazione e territori del trauma nel Rwanda del post-genocidio
Michela Fusaschi,
Francesco Pompeo
Michela Fusaschi
Michela Fusaschi Università di Roma Tre, Dip. Scienze Politiche Via Gabriello Chiabrera 199, 00145, Roma, Italy Francesco Pompeo Dip. di Scienze della formazione (Pompeo) Via Milazzo,11/B, 00185, Roma, Italy
Francesco Pompeo
Michela Fusaschi Università di Roma Tre, Dip. Scienze Politiche Via Gabriello Chiabrera 199, 00145, Roma, Italy Francesco Pompeo Dip. di Scienze della formazione (Pompeo) Via Milazzo,11/B, 00185, Roma, Italy
Based on ethnographic research in post-genocide Rwanda, this article analyzes two different approaches to the Politics of Memory in Rwanda: the “living memory” in the José Kagabo’s experience and the “duty of memory “ in the official memorializations. The institutionalization of the rwandan memorial sites provides a narrative of the massacres through the places, showing limits and contradictions about of a new national story telling .