EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems (Jan 2016)
Information theory based performance analysis and enhancement of Safety applications and cluster design in VANET
Safety applications in vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) are handled by broadcast to disseminate safetyrelated messages, due to lack of stable topology. The mobility of vehicles leads to significant performancedegradation, especially in dense and dynamic scenarios. This paper presents an information theory basedmobility model to determine the theoretical amount of information for VANET safety applications. The newmobility model considers the safety distance and vehicle’s status. Analysis results are helpful in reducingredundant information and gaining more insight for system design. Based on the model, an adaptive algorithmto derive the optimal data rate is proposed. In addition, an adaptive control channel interval (CCI) algorithmis applied in cluster forming to improve stability of cluster topology. Numerical simulations based on NS-3show that algorithms proposed can improve the performance dramatically, and the effectiveness of the safetyrequirements is guaranteed.