Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology (SJST) (May 2007)
Theory and measurements for 0-3 BaTiO3/PVDF composites
This work extended the range of material properties by fabricating the BaTiO3 /PVDF composite. In order to obtain the 0-3 composite without the interconnectivity of the ceramic powders, a low volume fractionof 0.3 of barium titanate (BaTiO3) was filled in a matrix of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and the mixture was homogeneously stirred. The composite was shaped into a sheet form by a tape casting method. Themicrostructure of the composite was observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which revealed that the connectivity of the composite was mainly 0-3. Subsequently, theoretical models and equations wereapplied to the composite for comparisons with measurements. The density and heat capacity of the composites were experimentally obtained to be 3.21103 kg/m3 and 3021.7 J/kg oC, respectively. The compositewas corona poled before the test of dielectric response. Its 1 kHz-dielectric constant and dielectric loss at room temperature were 11.5 and 0.21, respectively. The good dielectric combined with the flexibility of thematerial implies that the composite is attractive for electronic applications where a light, environmentally friendly, ease to fabricate and low-cost device is required.