مجلة التربية والعلم (Dec 2008)

Doping effects on electrical and dynamical characteristics of GaAs / AlGaAs quantum cascade laser

  • Erada A. Al-Dabbagh,
  • Ragheed M. Ibrahim

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 4
pp. 88 – 96


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Abstract A theoretical analysis of the doping density level influence on the output characteristics of GaAs/Al0.45Ga0.55As triple quantum well QCL emitting at (=9 m) is presented. The employed theoretical model was based on Schrodinger equation analysis. Six different doping density levels, have been used in this study to explain doping density level influence on model gain as a function of wavelength and negative differential resistance (NDR). In the conventionally employed high doping regime, the wavelength shift to the shorter wavelength furthermore to decrease of the peak gain value with doping density level increase has been observed. The available current range before the occurrence of the NDR reduced when the doping density level decrease was found.
