Reinwardtia (Oct 2015)
REVISION OF ALBIZIA Sect. PACHYSPERMA (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae)
In the course of revising the genus Serianthes Benth. (Reinwardtia 5:293—317. 1960) it was necessary to account for several names which hadbeen proposed in Serianthes but which applied to species belonging to agroup that seems better placed in the genus Albizia. ) After some furtherstudy, the present treatment of this group, here regarded as constitutingAlbizia section Pachysperma, was brought together. Owing to the scarcityof material of most of the species concerned, as well as to the difficultyin understanding inflorescence morphology in some of the species fromherbarium specimens alone, this paper is of necessity to be regarded asonly preliminary. It may, however, serve to direct attention to the factthat the species involved do form a coherent group, with a number ofcommon characters as well as a most peculiar inflorescence that needsmuch further study. Two new species and two new varieties, as well astwo transfers, are proposed.