Basrah Journal of Surgery (Jun 2018)
SEPTORHINOPLASTY PATIENTS, ARE THEY SATISFIED? Ahmed M Al-Abbasi MB,ChB, FICMS, FRCS, Professor of Otorhinolaryngology, Dean, College of Medicine, Basrah University, Basrah, IRAQ. Abstract Patient satisfaction after septorhinoplasty (SR) is very important topic, few studies took this issue in consideration and up to my knowledge, no study has been performed in our country in this regard. The aim is to evaluate patient satisfaction following septorhinoplasty performed in the Department of Otolaryngology in Basrah General Hospital, Iraq. This retrospective study included 210 patients underwent SR in the period between 2008 and 2013. All surgeries were carried out by same surgeon (author). Patients were asked to fill an outcome assessment questionnaire form at any time after 9-12 months postoperatively, either by themselves or by the assistance of the ENT resident doctors. This form is specific for postoperative satisfaction evaluation. Most of the patients were females (126, 60%) and 84(40%) were males. It is found that 90(43.8%) and 80(38%) patients were completely and very satisfied with appearance of their noses respectively. In regard to nasal breathing, 112(53%) patients were very satisfied. Family and friends satisfaction with appearance of patient's noses was complete in 89(42.3%) patients and very satisfied in 87(41.4%) patients. The majority of the studied patients (204 out of 210), stated that new appearance of their noses never limits their social and professional activity. Fifty-nine (28%) patients were not confident that their nasal appearance is best possible. Seventy-three (34.7%) patients stated that second surgery to change nasal appearance was not needed, also 138(65.7%) need no further operation to change or improve nasal breathing. In conclusion, SR performed in Basrah General Hospital resulted in a good level of patients' satisfaction