Russian Language Studies (Dec 2020)
Professor Valery Mokienko: “I have a lot of things to do, but only one Pole Star” (dedicated to the anniversary of the scientist)
The article reflects the main directions in scientific activity of Valery Mokienko, Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Slavic Philology and Scientific Director of the Interdepartmental Dictionary Office of Saint Petersburg University, who is celebrating his 80th anniversary. The author traces the scientific career of this slavist, phraseologist, lexicographer, the founder of a scientific school and organizer of young researchers, presents his main monographs and lexicographic works. The total number of V.M. Mokienkos works is more than 1200. The report refers to the unique dictionary projects implemented under the guidance of V.M. Mokienko that have no analogues in the world lexicographic practice. The results of V.M. Mokienko's scientific cooperation with foreign universities and international scientific communities, highly appreciated by foreign awards, are shown. Special attention is paid to the achievements of V.M. Mokienko in the field of phraseography, for which he was awarded the Gold Medal named after V.I. Dal.