Earth and Space Science (Aug 2024)

An Evaluation of Low‐Cost Terrestrial Lidar Sensors for Assessing Hydrogeomorphic Change

  • M. T. Perks,
  • S. J. Pitman,
  • R. Bainbridge,
  • A. Díaz‐Moreno,
  • S. A. Dunning

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 8
pp. n/a – n/a


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Abstract Accurate topographic data acquired at appropriate spatio‐temporal resolution is often the cornerstone of geomorphic research. Recent decades have seen advances in our ability to generate highly accurate topographic data, primarily through the application of remote sensing techniques. Structure from Motion‐Multi View Stereo (SfM‐MVS) and lidar have revolutionised the spatial resolution of surveys across large spatial extents. Technological developments have led to commercialisation of small form factor (SFF) 3D lidar sensors that are suited to deployment on both mobile (e.g., uncrewed aerial systems), and in fixed semi‐permanent installations. Whilst the former has been adopted, the potential for the latter to generate data suitable for geomorphic investigations has yet to be assessed. We address this gap here in the context of a 3‐month deployment where channel change is assessed in an adjusting fluvial system. We find that SFF 3D lidar sensors generate change detection products comparable to those generated using a conventional lidar system. Areas of no geomorphic change are characterised as such (mean 3D change of 0.014 m compared with 0.0014 m for the Riegl VZ‐4000), with differences in median change in eroding sections of between 0.02 and 0.04 m. We illustrate that this data enables: (a) accurate characterisation of river channel adjustments through extraction of bank long‐profiles; (b) the assessment of bank retreat patterns which help elucidate failure mechanics; and (c) the extraction of water surface elevations. The deployment of this technology will enable a better understanding of processes across a variety of geomorphic systems, as data can be captured in 4D with near real‐time processing.
