Glioma (Jan 2022)
Tumor growth, angiogenesis, and invasion as clinical hallmarks of glioblastoma: A case report
The clinical hallmarks of tumor growth, angiogenesis, and invasion were identified in a patient with isocitrate dehydrogenase-1 wild-type glioblastoma at initial diagnosis and management issues were examined. The head magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed multiple solid and cystic contrast enhancements in the rostral portion of the tumor located within the left motor gyrus and the adjacent brain. Extensive tumor invasion was noted along the left corticospinal tract extending into the cerebral peduncle and pons. After an open craniotomy for tissue biopsy, the patient underwent external beam radiotherapy and concomitant temozolomide, and his motor deficit was stabilized with concurrent bevacizumab infusion while dexamethasone was weaned off. After two cycles of adjuvant temozolomide, the patient experienced worsening motor deficit in the right hand. A repeat gadolinium-enhanced head MRI revealed increased fluid-attenuated inversion recovery hyperintensity in the left cerebral peduncle indicating tumor progression. This case illustrates the extensive invasion from a glioblastoma that cannot be adequately quantified or effectively treated. A wider margin of radiation may be needed to cover microscopic and infiltrative tumor cells. The early use of bevacizumab can also reverse neurological deficits and obviate the long-term use of dexamethasone and insulin in this patient. This study was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Dana Farber Cancer Institute #12-519 onMay 5, 2020.