Научно-технические ведомости СПбГПУ: Экономические науки (Dec 2021)
Systemometric approach to management: development of the mathematical model of the personnel structure
usiness recovery after COVID-19 and its future activities depend on the implementation of the personnel management policy. To achieve the best results in this direction, automated personnel management systems (HRM systems) have been developed that support the HR processes of selection, adaptation, assessment, training and certification of personnel, payroll accounting, personnel records, labor protection, updating KPI systems, talent pool and conduct HR analytics. It is shown that HRM systems are focused on solving two classes of tasks: the implementation of accounting and settlement functions and HR record keeping (supporting the execution of routine HR processes), as well as improving the efficiency of HR processes (should provide intelligent HR processes of a strategic nature). Working with these systems allows specialists to acquire the practice of HR data management and qualitatively improve HR processes. At the same time, they need to be provided with high-quality feedback (especially in terms of employee engagement and motivation) in the talent management process. The absence of this information reduces the accuracy of HR analytics, the results of which are the basis for making long-term management decisions. Advances in systems research can improve the solution of HR problems. Quantitative (metric) results allow you to give answers to important questions that have not previously had a solution. The aim of the study is to develop a mathematical model for differentiating employee remuneration based on the Pareto distribution power-law: a systemic metric of enterprise integrity. To achieve this goal, a mathematical model of the personnel structure was developed on the basis of the Pareto distribution, which made it possible to introduce an objective characteristic of the quality of management: the integral coefficient of the use of the personnel potential of the enterprise. Its application allows you to support the processes of transition to modern salary systems, develop professional and digital competencies of personnel management services and ensure long-term successful operation of the enterprise based on the implementation of an effective personnel management policy.