International Journal of School Health (Jan 2021)
Students’ Academic Buoyancy Prediction based on Health Literacy and Performance of School Health Nurses
Background: Schools have an important role to play in helping students achieve buoyancy (AB) and healthy learning. The main purpose of this study is to predict students’ academic buoyancy based on the health literacy (HL) of school health nurses (SHN) and their performance in health promoting high schools.Methods: This descriptive correlational study consisted of the SHN of all health promotion secondary schools of East Azarbaijan province educational districts. The statistical population of the study includes 260 SHN in schools in the 2019-2020 academic year. For sampling, 160 SHN and 320 students were selected using stratified random sampling. For data collection, we used the HL Questionnaire of the Institute of Health Sciences, the SHN Performance Questionnaire of Vaparzeh and colleagues and the AB Questionnaire of Hosseinchari and Dehghanizadeh.Results: Estimation of the descriptive statistics and the correlation of variables based on SPSS software showed that the means of HL (141.41±18.49), performance (95.45±12.89), and AB (52.3±6.81) were higher than average. There was a significant correlation between HL, performance, and AB. The results of structural equation modeling with PLS software demonstrated that the performance of SHN and its dimensions could be predicted based on HL (p <0.001), But students’ AB is not predictable based on HL (P=0.054) and the performance of SHNs (P=0.63) or mediated by their performance (P=0.09).Conclusion: Health literacy promotion programs for teachers and school nurses can ensure the success of schools in improving student health.