Jurnal Paedagogy (Jan 2022)
Analisis Kesalahan Numerasi Peserta Didik dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Assesmen Kompetensi Minimum
This study aims to analyze student errors in solving Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) questions. This research was carried out in class XI MIPA 1 SMA Islam Cipasung with the instrument that had been prepared, namely the numeracy ability test sheet. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. By means of purposive sampling, the determination of the subject was based on the test results of the students who answered all the numeracy indicators, so that 3 subjects were taken. The research instrument includes test sheets, and unstructured interviews and the data analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that S - 8 made mistakes in analyzing the information in the question, S - 33 made mistakes in analyzing the information obtained and made mistakes in making decisions from the conclusions obtained.