Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Nov 2015)

Od stylizacji do błędu w przekładzie

  • Edyta Manasterska‑Wiącek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 4(30)


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Modes of expression and misconceptions in translation The article is devoted to the translation of Mistrz Twardowski by J.I. Kraszewski. The translator rendering the text into another linguistic environment should adjust appropriate modes of expression in order to achieve adequacy. It happens that he gets lost searching for transparency. The analyzed translation abounds with linguistic mistakes that are not a result of the relation between a target language and a translation language. On the stylistic grounds incompatibility and non‑parallelism prevail at all levels. Presumably the frequency of the mistakes will not affect significantly the reader’s perception of the text. The translation is deprived of stylization aimed at the early language and the mistakes do not compensate for the absence of the early language elements that the reader is unaware of.
