Temporalités (Jul 2010)
Parcours croisés de Dominique Cabrera, cinéaste, et de ses proches collaborateurs.
In France, social sciences and humanities have paid little attention to the profession of film director. Film studies and the press are much less interested in the professional careers of technical teams in comparison with the lives of actors and authors of projects who seem to be cut into their inner creativity. To escape the biographical pitfall, sociologists may account for a director’s itinerary by analyzing his/her ties with colleagues. Here, we examine the recurrent work relations between film director Dominique Cabrera and her close colleagues, to underline the strong relationships which paradoxically unite both the director and her staff in a project-based industry that is rather conducive to short-lived work relations. We postulate that the professional network produced consistently helps to describe and understand the course of a career, and that the relevant context to illuminate its contours is the network of professional relations that engenders film projects and is instrumental in fastening the career in the professional landscape of cinema.