Pedagogìka, Psihologìâ ta Mediko-bìologìčnì Problemi Fìzičnogo Vihovannâ ì Sportu (Mar 2011)

Biomechanical aspects of the technical and tactical actions in the judo.

  • Adashevskiy V.M.,
  • Dylewski Michal,
  • Iermakov S.S.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 3
pp. 3 – 7


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It is shown the approaches in the construction of biomechanical models in combative sports. It is constructed analytical model to determine the support reactions. It is defined the values of external loads on the athlete's body. The dependence of the total torque pull muscles, the vertical ground reaction, since the direction of the articular forces of the opponent are shown. It is determined the highest values of static loads in the joints of the lower extremities. It is shown the possibility of using the simulation results in technical and tactical training of athletes.
