TheoRhēma (Dec 2020)

Impactul noilor tehnologii asupra generației de mileniali din bisericile adventiste de ziua a șaptea din București

  • Florian Șerban

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15, no. 2


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The bibliographic review that has been consulted for the the writing of this article has had in focus literature from the English-speaking world. It has been of great help in that it addresses two issues that are of interest for the current research about the impact of new technologies on Seventh-day Adventist millennials’ church attendance. In the focus of the research, there have been millennials living in Bucharest, and elsewhere in Romania. The first issue with which the review of the literature has help has been that it has highlighted and identified the new technologies whose impact on the Western millennial generation has been studied by media and technology development specialists. Second, it has also given the profile of the Western generation of millennials, as described by Christian sociologists. The findings of the present research has led to the conclusion that the Romanian society has a certain cultural diversity similar to that of the Western world, as well as a similar tendency regarding the attendance of Christian churches by the younger generations. This trend is similar in manifestation in Adventist churches in Romania, including Adventist churches in Bucharest.
