Revista Chilena de Obstetricia y Ginecología (Jan 2012)

Síndrome otopalatodigital tipo II, aproximación prenatal y diagnóstico clínico de un caso complejo de displasia ósea

  • Wilmar Saldarriaga,
  • Albaro José Nieto Calvache,
  • Juan Carlos Quintero,
  • Harry Pachajoa,
  • Carolina Isaza

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 77, no. 4
pp. 310 – 314


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El síndrome otopalatodigital tipo 2 (OPD2), es una rara entidad con herencia recesiva ligada al cromosoma X, letal, caracterizada por facies anormales con hipoplasia centrofacial, hipertelorismo ocular, paladar hendido, talla baja, huesos largos curvos, sindactilia en pies y manos y anomalías óseas. Usualmente originadas en mutaciones en el gen de la filamina A (FLNA). Se reporta un caso, con diagnóstico prenatal de osteocondrodisplasia que posteriormente por hallazgos al examen físico y radiológicos del recién nacido se clasifico como síndrome otopalatodigital tipo 2.Otopalatodigital syndrome, type 2 (OPD2), is a rare entity with recessive heredity linked to the X chromosome, lethal, characterized by abnormal facies, with centro-facial hypoplasia, ocular hypertelorism, cleft palate, low height, curved long bones, syndactyly, and osseous anomalies on feet and hands. It has been recently shown that patients with OPD2 with mutations in the filamin A gene (FLNA), which is also found altered in allelic entities like the OPD1 syndrome, the Melnik-Needles syndrome and frontometaphyseal dysplasia. Herein, we report a case with prenatal osteochondrodysplasia diagnosis that after physical and radiological exam of the newborn was classified as otopalatodigital syndrome type 2.
