Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jul 2024)

Mapping the Trajectory of Literary Preprints and Their Publishing Landscape 文學預行本之公開與正式出版歷程探討

  • Yu-Wei Chang,
  • Hsiang-Jou Lin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 61, no. 2
pp. 127 – 160


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This study delves into the publishing process categories for literature preprints, focusing on those posted in SSRN before 2021 and have been published. Analyzing 608 publications derived from 595 preprints, it was observed that literature preprints were typically uploaded to SSRN after their initial publication. By examining preprints’ written dates, posted dates, final revision dates, and publication dates, four distinct modes of the publishing process were delineated from 136 publications. The primary mode entails writing preprints, followed by posting them on SSRN, finalizing revisions, and finally, publication. On average, authors uploaded their preprints to SSRN and published them around two years after the initial drafting. Most preprints were eventually published in journals, although some authors disregarded journals’ preprint policies. Future research could employ surveys or interviews to elucidate authors’ decisions regarding preprint publication timing, whether before or after posting. 本研究以在2020 年及之前公開在SSRN,且在2022 年5 月前正式出版的文學預行本為研究對象,依據預行本之撰寫完成、於SSRN 公開、正式出版、最後修改預行本之四項時間,探討其出版歷程模式。依據源自595 篇文學預行本所正式出版的608 篇著作,本研究發現文學預行本作者傾向著作正式出版後,再於SSRN 上公開該著作之預行本,並於撰寫完預行本後,平均不到兩年完成公開及正式出版。根據有預行本最後修改時間之136篇正式出版著作,在四種辨識出的出版歷程模式中,最常見的是預行本撰寫完成後就先公開,並在著作正式出版前最後修正預行本。研究也發現預行本主要是以期刊文章正式出版,但部分作者未能完全遵守期刊不允許正式出版前先公開預行本的相關規定。
