مهندسی عمران شریف (Feb 2016)
When soil beneath a foundation is weak and cannot bear applied loads, an appropriate method of soil improvement is essential. In cases where weak soil is improved by a replacing method, the improvement depth, due to the stress distribution pattern, is of great importance. However, in some cases, it is very difficult or too expensive to provide enough improvement depth. Hence, additional bearing capacity or other improvement methods are required. Using a geogrid to reinforce soil is an effective alternative way to improve the bearing capacity more effectively and economically.In this paper, the effect of replacing a loose layer by a dense one on the bearing capacity and settlement of a strip footing has initially been investigated. Then, the influence of a geogrid layer placed on the interface of loose and dense layers is analyzed and investigated using finite difference FLAC $\square$ software. The numerical model is verified and calibrated using experimental data from a physical model developed in the Soil Laboratory of Amirkabir University. Analyses results show that increasing the depth of compacted soil layer by more than $\square\square\square$ times the width of the foundation, does not have a considerable effect on the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footings, and only settlements will decrease. Using a geogrid layer between loose and compacted soil will improve the bearing capacity greatly, for a modified depth less than $\square$$\square$$\square$ times the width of the foundation،The most efficient improvement in this method is when the geogrid layer is placed on the boundary of loose and dense layers at a depth of $\square$$\square$$\square$$\square$ the foundation width. The efficiency of reinforcement is reduced by increasing the improvement depth. Using a reinforced layer with a width of less than $\square$$\square$ times the foundation width is not recommended. \