Revista Colombiana de Obstetricia y Ginecología (Dec 2004)
<title language="spa">Efecto del hábito de fumar sobre los resultados de laboratorio de la fertilización in vitro Effect of cigarette smoking on laboratorial outcome of in vitro fertilization
Objetivo: evaluar la influencia del tabaquismo femenino, activo y pasivo, sobre los resultados de la fertilización in vitro (FIV) de mujeres fumadoras. Diseño: estudio de cohorte. Materiales y métodos: ciento diecinueve (119) parejas fueron sometidas a FIV, en primerintento, cuya indicación fue el factor tubario, fueron divididos en 3 grupos: mujeres no fumadoras (n=81), mujeres fumadoras pasivas (n=15) y mujeres fumadoras verdaderas (n=23). Los resultados de laboratorio de la FIV fueron analizados en separado. Resultados: las mujeres fumadoras tuvieron un bajo índice de fertilización (40,7%) y mala calidad embrionaria (70,6%) en comparación con las no fumadoras (59,1% y 82,5%) y las fumadoras pasivas (67,4% y 87,9%) (pObjective: to evaluate the influence of female cigarette smoking on laboratory results of in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Design: cohort study. Patients and methods: a total of 119 infertile couples, who were submitted to the first cycle of IVF due to tubal factor, were divided in three groups: non-smokers women (n=81), passive smokers women (n=15) and active smokers women (n=23). The laboratorial results of IVF were analyzed among the sub-groups. Results: women who smoked had a lower fertilization rate (40.7 %) and a worse embryo quality (70.6%) than the non-smokers (59% and 81.3%) and the passive smokers (67.4% and 87.9%) (p<0.05). There were no significant differences on the number of oocytes retrieved and embryo cleavage rate between the different groups. Conclusions: the results of this study indicate that the success of IVF can be affected negatively in the smoker women, due to smaller fertilization rate and the worse embryonic quality.