中西医结合护理 (Nov 2022)
Application of rubber dam in nursing cooperation of root canal treatment of deciduous incisor (橡皮障在乳切牙根管治疗护理配合中的应用效果)
Objective To evaluate the application of rubber dam isolation in nursing cooperation of root canal treatment of deciduous incisor. Methods Totally 10 dentist requiring standardized training, 3 senior dental nurses and 64 pediatric patients were recruited in this study. All pediatric patients were randomly treated twice by the traditional cotton roll moisture isolation technology and rubber dam moisture isolation technology. The duration of nursing cooperation was recorded. The difficulty of nursing cooperation, anxiety degree and satisfaction of the pediatric patients were measures. Results The findings showed that the duration of nursing cooperation procedure for children using rubber dam isolation was shorter than that of children using conventional cotton roll isolation, and a lower degree of anxiety was observed in children using rubber dam isolation. Conclusion Compared with the traditional cotton roll moisture isolation technology, the rubber dam moisture isolation technology may shorten the operation time, relieve anxiety level of the patient and reduce the difficulty in nursing cooperation. (目的 探讨橡皮障隔湿技术对于乳切牙根管治疗护理配合的重要性。方法 选取10名规范化培训医师、3名高年资护士及64名患儿为研究对象。患儿按照传统棉卷隔湿技术和橡皮障隔湿技术交叉进行两次治疗。记录两次治疗的护理配合操作时间, 评估配合难度、患儿焦虑程度和满意度。结果 与传统隔湿技术相比, 使用橡皮障隔湿技术下护理配合操作时间缩短, 患儿焦虑程度明显降低。结论 相比传统棉卷隔湿技术, 使用橡皮障隔湿技术能够缩短护理配合操作时间, 降低患儿焦虑程度和护理配合难度。)