Journal of High Energy Physics (Sep 2023)
(N)NLO+NLL’ accurate predictions for plain and groomed 1-jettiness in neutral current DIS
Abstract The possibility to reanalyse data taken by the HERA experiments offers the chance to study modern QCD jet and event-shape observables in deep-inelastic scattering. To address this, we compute resummed and matched predictions for the 1-jettiness distribution in neutral current DIS with and without grooming the hadronic final state using the soft-drop technique. Our theoretical predictions also account for non-perturbative corrections from hadronisation through parton-to-hadron level transfer matrices extracted from dedicated Monte Carlo simulations with Sherpa. To estimate parameter uncertainties in particular for the beam-fragmentation modelling we derive a family of replica tunes to data from the HERA experiments. While NNLO QCD normalisation corrections to the NLO+NLL’ prediction are numerically small, hadronisation corrections turn out to be quite sizeable. However, soft-drop grooming significantly reduces the impact of non-perturbative contributions. We supplement our study with hadron-level predictions from Sherpa based on the matching of NLO QCD matrix elements with the parton shower. Good agreement between the predictions from the two calculational methods is observed.