Química Nova (Jan 2009)
Aplicação de redes neurais artificiais na identificação de gasolinas adulteradas comercializadas na região de Londrina - Paraná Application of artificial neural networks in the identification of tampered gasoline commercialized in the region of Londrina - Paraná
The multilayer perceptron network was used to classify the gasoline. The main parameters used in the classification were established by the Ordinance nº 309 of the Agência Nacional do Petróleo, but without informing the network the legal limits of these parameters. The network used had 10 neurons in a single hidden layer, learning rate of 0.04 and 250 training epochs. The application of artificial neural network served classify 100% of the commercialized gas in the region of Londrina-PR and to identify the tampered gasoline even those suspected of tampering.