Perspectiva (Sep 2019)

Educated-child-subject: relationships of power-knowledge in the management of a population

  • Gisele Ruiz Silva,
  • Paula Corrêa Henning

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 37, no. 3
pp. 973 – 991


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This paper weaves problematizations about the universalization and obligation of education of Brazilian children since four years old. Using the genealogy of Michel Foucault with the analytical tool of problematization, this study is dedicated to understand how some historical facts could be conditions of possibility to the constitution of an educated childhood in the Modernity. As an analytical element, this paper takes the legal apparatus that formalizes the obligation of school enrollment of children, together with their permanence. Besides that, there are excerpts of the magazine Pátio Educação Infantil, making evident the relationships of power and knowledge that are produced and that also put in operation a determined governmental logic, problematizing the way people assume them as true nowadays.
