Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Музичне мистецтво (Jun 2019)

Artistic and Creative Development of the Junier School Age Pupils by Means of Arts Integration

  • Olena Ivanenko

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 60 – 70


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At the present stage of the modernization of the education system in Ukraine, the problem of the creative person formation and his or her ability to artistic and creative activity is one of the main issues in the modern artistic pedagogics of the present. The relevant task is to provide conditions for the artistic and creative development of the every child personality of the junior school age, which contributes to their harmonious and comprehensive development at the artistic educational institutions. These tasks require updating of artistic concepts and paradigms in the field of artistic and creative education of primary school students. The aggravation of the contradiction between the need of specialized artistic educational institutions in optimizing the creative development of this age children and the insufficient level of methodological providing of the educational process determine the relevance of this analysis. As it is in the process of artistic and creative activity of the junior school age children, an interest in different types of art develops, and in future love and an inexhaustible desire to engage in certain of them appear, therefore, the success and effectiveness of such development in art schools totally depends on the professionalism and competence of a teacher. Only the teacher in the process of studying is able to create such conditions that will facilitate the acquisition of grades 1–4 pupils of the basic skills of artistic and creative activity and children will be able to remember and recognize works of different kinds of art, to be excited about them, to admire about the content of works, the beauty of their forms and images. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the basic conditions for teachers of artistic educational institutions regarding the effectiveness of artistic and creative development in the process of studying through the integration of arts. The methodological basis of the article was the generaladectic principles (connection with the surrounding reality, systematic and sequential learning, and an individual approach to the children development of elementary school age), as well as the principles of artistic and creative development of grades 1–4 pupils in art schools, with the specifics of artistic activity various types: encouraging children to discover creative potential in the process of studying various arts; application in the process of integration of art as a means of artistic and creative development of children of junior school age; enriching the aesthetic experience of students, as well as the direction of artistic and creative development in understanding the artistic image by mastering the means of artistic expressiveness of various types of art. Many pedagogical studies have proved that it is the elementary school period that is favorable for the development of the child’s creative personality in the process of artistic and creative activity, and this very age contributes to its comprehensive cognitive development. Since pupils of junior school age have high cognitive activity and psychological readiness for artistic and creative activity, they are quite easy to learn and can absorb a large amount of information on different types of art. Application of integration in the process of studies in art schools with children of junior school age, above all, will allow to achieve integrity in the pedagogical process, to fully involve students in the world of art, through participation in various forms of artistic and creative activity, as well as to implement new methods and receptions of artistic and creative learning, due to the possibility of applying an individual approach to each child. Indeed, hence to the integration of the arts there is: first, the approach of children to artistic knowledge not only through reason, but also through feelings and emotions; second, the disclosure of the inner world of children of junior school age and their maximum rapprochement with the teacher. Conclusions The use of artistic integration in classes at artistic educational institutions contributes to a deeper assimilation of pupils of the junior school age of artistic culture and artistic heritage, the development of cognitive interest, and through the development of creative abilities and acquired knowledge, skills and abilities, helps to reveal their artistic and creative potential in the process of participation in various types of artistic and creative activity.
