Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports (Jun 2021)
Solitary Cystic Psoas Muscle Metastasis From Rectosigmoid Adenocarcinoma
The most common subtype of colon cancer is colorectal adenocarcinoma. Compared with other subtypes, such as signet-ring and mucinous, colorectal adenocarcinoma has been found to have lower rates of metastasis. Approximately 20% of colorectal cancer cases present with metastatic disease on initial evaluation. The most common locations for metastasis are the liver, lung, peritoneum, bone, and extra-regional lymph nodes. Metastatic disease to the skeletal muscle, however, is considerably rare. We present a clinical case of a 52-year-old female found to have a cystic iliopsoas muscle metastasis from rectosigmoid adenocarcinoma, initially classified as an infected fluid collection.