Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo (Oct 2023)
Identity and interculturality in Brazilian rural education: intersection with the curriculum
Rural Education in the Brazilian reality involves different geographical and cultural spaces. However, historically, it has been linked to the political and ideological maintenance of capitalism. Thus, the work seeks to investigate from a bibliographic review research, as the issues related to Education in and in the Field in the literature of the area. A bibliographic review was carried out with a Google Scholar search, using terms such as "country education", "identity", "interculturality", but without a specific time interval of publications, and through the selection of texts with higher quality. The results of the education of social movements, with the aim of promoting the advent of communities. The work also highlights the need to effect deeper changes, contemplating issues related to the curriculum, peasant identity and interculturality, in order to build an educational process that establishes the processes of and learning more coherent with these realities.