EPJ Web of Conferences (Mar 2014)
Complete Spectroscopy of negative parity states in 208Pb with Ex < 6.3 MeV
Using the Q3D magnetic spectrograph at the Maier-Leibnitz-Laboratorium, Garching, experiments with the 208Pb(p, p′) reaction via isobaric analog resonances and using the 207Pb(d, p) reaction have been performed with a HWHM of 1.5 keV on the low energy side. All 70 particle-hole states with negative parity predicted by the schematic shell model without residual interaction below Ex = 6.3 MeV are identified. Except for the states with spins 1− and 2−, more than 80% of the strength in each state can be described by at most four configurations; for spins 0−, 4−, 6−, 7−, and 8− two configurations or even one configuration describe more than 95% of the strength. Natural parity configurations are more strongly mixed than unnatural parity configurations.