Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (Nov 2011)

HelloWorld! An Instructive Case for the Transformation Tool Contest

  • Steffen Mazanek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 74, no. Proc. TTC 2011
pp. 22 – 26


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This case comprises several primitive tasks that can be solved straight away with most transformation tools. The aim is to cover the most important kinds of primitive operations on models, i.e. create, read, update and delete (CRUD). To this end, tasks such as a constant transformation, a model-to-text transformation, a very basic migration transformation or diverse simple queries or in-place operations on graphs have to be solved. The motivation for this case is that the results expectedly will be very instructive for beginners. Also, it is really hard to compare transformation languages along complex cases, because the complexity of the respective case might hide the basic language concepts and constructs.