Interface: Comunicação, Saúde, Educação (Jan 2006)

Capital dynamics and local health systems: searching for a comprehensive analysis of the health sector

  • Maria de Fátima Siliansky de Andreazzi,
  • Marco Antonio Ratzsch de Andreazzi,
  • Diana Maul de Carvalho

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Vol. 2, no. se


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The article presents a proposal of a methodology aimed to analyze the health care sector according to the dynamics of capital accumulation. That approach could be summed up to more traditional approaches founded in the Public Health field, based in a political perspective. The proposal departs from concepts and methods of Industrial Organization, already used for health care markets, in the European and Latin-American (CEPAL) contexts. We aggregated economic and historical variables to these approaches, which delimitate possibilities and impose constraints to the strategies of the local agents. The objective of the paper is to give methodological support to public managers at state and local level, whose role as the single commander in their territories is prescribed by the present health policy in Brazil. That includes all the fields related to private sector regulation in health: from planning the supply to quality control of providers.
