Asian Journal of University Education (Dec 2011)

Using Appreciative Pedagogy to Teach Literature to ESL Students

  • Hung-Chang Liao,
  • Ya-huei Wang (Corresponding author)

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 2
pp. 21 – 34


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This study explores how college literature instructors can use appreciative pedagogy in teaching students of English as a Second Language (ESL) how to appreciate works of literature. The study of literature can be used as a channel for college students to access a wealth of human experience and to develop their sensitivity, empathy, and compassion toward other human beings. However, most ESL students in Taiwan are used to following their teachers’ interpretations and lack the confidence or experience to use their hearts to appreciate literature works. Appreciative pedagogy can be used in teaching literature. Through using the steps of the Discovery-DreamDesign-Delivery cycle designed by Cooperrider and Whitney (1999) in the practice of appreciative pedagogy, students can form a positive attitude towards their characteristics, values, and past experiences, thereby developing their self-confidence and competencies in studying literature. The quantitative instruments used were an English reading proficiency test and a student satisfaction survey. A fourteen-week experiment was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of using appreciative pedagogy with ESL students studying literature. The research results revealed that students instructed with appreciative pedagogy had improved English reading proficiency and greater satisfaction with their class.
