Финно-угорский мир (Dec 2020)
Ethnocultural tradition in the modern world: functional aspect
Introduction. The phenomenon of “tradition” is a key link in understanding the specifics of the current cultural processes. The problem of preserving and developing the ethnocultural tradition has acquired a new impetus for comprehension against the background of the emergence at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries of the so-called ethnic revival, the increased attention of peoples, including the Finno-Ugric ones to their own cultural and historical roots. This is facilitated by the strengthening of the integration of cultures within the Finno-Ugric community in the context of the formation of a new socio-cultural paradigm. Materials and Methods. The theoretical material of the study was the work of scholars in the field of studying the modern socio-cultural process, in particular on the example of the cultural heritage of the Finno-Ugric peoples. The reliability and research validity of the results is provided by the sociocultural approach, as well as by comparative and typological research methods. Results and Discussion. In the process of being an ethnocultural tradition in modern society, the process of festivization of the cultural process plays an important role, among other circumstances. It is characterized by the use of the phenomenon of ethnoculture as an external attribute, the functioning of which is reduced only to entertainment, creating the effect of festivity of the action, which leads to the devaluation of its value. However, the analysis of the new picture of the world that took shape at the turn of the XX–XXI centuries allows us to conclude that the idea of the integrity of the world, the understanding of space and time that underlie it, as well as the ecological and adaptive potential of the ethnocultural tradition remain consonant with the modern world, and this gives grounds for their preservation and development in the modern era. These conclusions fully apply to the cultural practice of the Finno-Ugric peoples at the present stage. Conclusion. On the basis of the studied material, a conclusion was made about the change in the functioning of the Finno-Ugric ethnocultural tradition in accordance with the objective conditions of its existence.