Jurnal Wacana Kinerja (Mar 2020)

Dari "Wealth of Nations" Menuju "Wealth of Corporations"; Kajian MP3EI Dalam Perspektif Hak Asasi Manusia

  • Pihri Buhaerah,
  • Arum Puspitasari,
  • Rusman Nurjaman

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 1
pp. 78 – 117


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For a long time, development is solely measured by the rate of economic growth. Measuring the success of development by simply referring to economic growth contains many flaws because it ignores the fairness of income distribution which resulted in a large gap between the rich and the poor. Various adverseefiects of growth-orienteddevelopmenthave prompted the emergence ofnew thinking to rectify the definition of development. The new thinking led to the expansion ofa definition of human-centered development, as defined in the oonoept of human rights-based development. In the perspective of human rights, development defined as "human-centered, participatory, and special attention to the vulnerable groups and environment“. Economicgrowth is still needed, but the development process should also ensure equitable distribution, enhancement of human capabilities, and intended to expand the human choices. Currently, the eflbrts to promote a human rights approach in development process are no more than just new concepts on paper rather than implementation. Therefore, there must be a joint eflbrt and commitment to fundamentally change the development paradigm. This MPSEI study in human rights perspective is an qfirt to ask jbr a commihnent from state oflicials to integrate human rights-based approach to Indonesia development. This ejjbrt shall be done continuesly to promote human rightsas a main development perspective, as well as theend and the means ofdevelopment.