Nursing Practice Today (Oct 2018)
Primary dysmenorrhea among the adolescents in Kwara state, Nigeria: The prevalence, knowledge and management
Background & Aim: Dysmenorrhea refers to the symptom of painful menstruation, which may be primary (occurring in the absence of pelvic pathology) or secondary (resulting from identifiable organic diseases). It is common gynaecological conditions that affect women of reproductive age group. The effect may be mild or severed on daily routine activities of women for one to three days of each menstrual cycle. It also has a significant effect on quality of life and personal health. This study aims to determine the burden and management of primary dysmenorrhea among the adolescent. Materials and Methods: The study was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among 400 randomly selected adolescent girls attending secondary schools. A semi-structured questionnaire was used to obtain data which was analysis using (SPSS) version 16.0. Data presentation was done through the use of tables and charts. Appropriate statistics test such as chi-square was used to analysis the association between the variables. The level of significance was determined at p < 0.05. Results: The mean age of respondents was 15.2 ± 0.14, and the prevalence of dysmenorrhea was found to be 287(71.8%). About 215(53.8%) had poor knowledge while others believed it to be a disease 10(2.5%), a curse from God 69 (17.2%) and 47(11.8%) do not know the meaning. Significant number 174(43.5%) of the participants exhibited negative attitude towards menstrual pain, as 122(42.5%) resorted to self-treatment and medication, only 97(33.8%) ever consulted healthcare worker. Paracetamol 54(32%) was the most used drug for self-treatment while others include Feldene 33 (19.3, Diclofenac 27(15.8) and Gelucee 25(14.6), About 103(61.7%) of subjects do not know the side effects of the drugs they used. Conclusions: The burden of primary dysmenorrhea was high, the knowledge and attitude exhibited was poor and most of the adolescent girls used a different kind of drugs whose side effects are not known. The need for in school awareness creation on the causes and it is management was emphasized.