TecnoLógicas (Nov 2013)

Numerical Simulation of Air Staged Mechanism Effect in a High Velocity Burner

  • Bernardo A. Herrera-Múnera,
  • Elizabeth C. Rodríguez-Acevedo,
  • Karen P. Cacua-Madero,
  • Carlos A. Mora-Maya,
  • Edison H. Cardona-Gutierrez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 0, no. 0
pp. 731 – 742


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In this work, staged air combustion in a high speed burner was analyzed by mean of numerical simulation in order to determine its effects on temperature distribution and pollutant chemical species formation such as CO and NOx. The simulations were achieved using the commercial software ANSYS FLUENT as a design tool to predict the behavior of the thermal system and to establish operation conditions with or without staged air. Eddy Dissipation model was used for combustion simulation, while k - ε Realizable and Discrete Ordinates models were utilized for turbulence and radiation simulation, respectively. Results show that staged air mechanism allows better flame stabilization, combustion reactions initiation and fuel-air mixing. The CO formation was different in reaction zone and NOx emissions were not significantly influenced by the staged air.
