臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2008)
臺灣新移民之新教育觀―以在地教師課程觀點出發 Alternative Educational Thought about New Immigrants in Taiwan: The Voice from a Teacher
本文將以一個實際的案例為主軸,探究外籍與大陸配偶及子女增加之問題,教育工作者應如何因應為出發,探討面對所謂新弱勢群體學生時,教育工作者可以做些什麼,或不該做什麼,從迷思中探詢課程與教學的工作方法。一位國小導師以關懷(caring)為出發點,在沒有課程的專業訓練,而且對於外籍配偶問題沒有先見的狀態下,這位張老師,源自於對自己所屬班級學生的幫助,以導師的角色出發,開始幫助自己班上的外籍配偶家長。這個起初沒有教育行政單位的課後外籍配偶班悄悄的開始,在十幾位外籍配偶的教室裡,張老師啟動了外籍配偶的學習動力,竟然口耳相傳引來三、四十位外籍配偶學習。張老師沒有自編教材,也沒有使用教育部或公部門編撰的識字教材,她是如何使這群外籍配偶自發學習,以及她的課程與教學為何如此吸引這群新移民的喜愛?其中透露出的教師實務經驗值得深思與探究。本文預計從課程發展的理論做為視框,解析張老師的課程與教學實例,希望從第一線教師的實際案例中去認識與理解新移民及其子女所面臨的社會處境和議題,以及可能的解決方式與策略,並成為可以參照的課程實踐模式。 The main concept of the study is focus on the problem of foreign spouses and their children and educators’ responses through a real case. In facing these so-called new inferior students, how should educator find the way of curriculum and teaching? An elementary school mentor, Teacher Chang, helped her students’ parents who were foreign spouse out of caring without support. She didn’t use her own made teaching materials and textbooks assigned by government. But how did she inspire these foreign spouses learning spontaneously? How could her curriculum and teaching so attracting? The study analyzed Teacher Chang’s experience through the theory of curriculum development. Hope the referring to the curriculum model will benefit the issue of new immigrants children’s situation.