Terr@ Plural (Mar 2021)

A reestruturação do sistema de transporte público e a cena headbanger de Belo Horizonte nos anos 1980.

  • Leonardo Henrique Alves de Lima Nascimento,
  • Gleyber Eustáquio Calaça Silva,
  • Alexandre Magno Diniz Alves,
  • Paulo Henrique Caetano

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 15
p. e2116255


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This paper analyzes how the restructuring of the public transport system in the city of Belo Horizonte collaborated with the territorial expansion of the Heavy Metal identity group. Based on the revisions of urban planning registers from RMBH and excerpts from interviews conducted with the musicians of the scene. It was clear mobility structure changes have increased the spreading of the Heavy Metal movement. It has coincided with the period of this musical genre popularization and greater accessibility to it, which resulted in new relationships between headbangers and the urban space of the city.
