Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology (Aug 2018)

Kaingang ethnic territories

  • Ricardo Cid Fernandes,
  • Paulo Roberto Homem de Góes


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This article presents an overview of Kaingang ethnic territorialization processes in Southern Brazil. Based on historical and ethnographic data, this article analyzes tensions found in the agencyings of territories, emphasizing the resistance of the Kaingang in face of impositions from colonization. The analysis focuses on the different periods of colonial expansion, highlighting the processes of territorial expropriation, conflicts, struggles and negotiations between the Kaingang and different agents of the state. The main objective is to broaden the debates about the importance of the ethnic territories in southern Brazil, based on an appreciation of the perspective of the Kaingang about the processes of territorial confinement and their “retakings” of territories in the past forty years.
