Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (May 2022)
Coronary Artery Spasm: Risk Factors, Pathophysiological Mechanisms and Novel Diagnostic Approaches
Coronary artery spasm (CAS) is a transient reversible subtotal or complete occlusion induced by coronary hypercontraction and the critical cause of myocardial ischaemia with non-obstructive coronary arteries. During the past decades, our knowledge of the risk factors and pathophysiological mechanisms of CAS have been increasingly progressed, and various diagnostic approaches, including imaging technologies and novel biomarkers, have been proposed to serve well to diagnose CAS clinically. This review aims to summarize these research progresses on the risk factors of CAS and introduce current knowledge about the mechanisms accounting for CAS, including endothelial dysfunction, vascular smooth muscle cell hyperreactivity, and adventitial and perivascular adipose tissue inflammation. We also gathered the recently evolved diagnostic approaches and analyzed their advantages/disadvantages, in purpose of enhancing the diagnostic yield on the basis of ensuring accuracy.