Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Études Andines (Dec 2022)
Construir ciudadanía desde la heterogeneidad: estrategias de participación de mujeres en procesos de Justicia Transicional
Peru and Colombia have been developing Transitional Justice processes with a fundamental axis in common: the establishment and follow-up of the recommendations of the truth commissions. In Peru, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was created as soon as the internal armed conflict officially ended. This became an opportunity to give visibility to the survivors of the conflict, especially indigenous and rural women, and was the impetus for strengthening their participation in justice and restitution policies. In Colombia, the Commission for the Clarification of Truth, Coexistence and Non-Repetition emerged from the Peace Agreements with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, after several previous transitional processes. The Commission gathered an important accumulation of organizational experiences of women's, ethnic, peasant and LGBTIQ+ collectives and set out to strengthen their struggles despite the continuity of the armed conflict. This article analyzes the mechanisms of women's participation in the Transitional Justice processes, as well as the aspects that limit and promote their agency as citizens, considering their diverse identities. The methodology includes qualitative techniques such as focus groups and in-depth interviews with women victims and relatives of victims, as well as collaborative activities with women leaders who participated in the Commission for the Clarification of the Truth in Colombia. Some of the mechanisms that have mobilized participation have been the visibility of their demands, the search to influence justice issues in public instances and the consolidation of political advocacy for the defense of human rights. This study identifies conditions that facilitate and hinder women's active participation in Transitional Justice processes in Peru and Colombia.