Geoscientific Model Development (Dec 2021)

MagIC v5.10: a two-dimensional message-passing interface (MPI) distribution for pseudo-spectral magnetohydrodynamics simulations in spherical geometry

  • R. Lago,
  • T. Gastine,
  • T. Dannert,
  • M. Rampp,
  • J. Wicht

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 14
pp. 7477 – 7495


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We discuss two parallelization schemes for MagIC, an open-source, high-performance, pseudo-spectral code for the numerical solution of the magnetohydrodynamics equations in a rotating spherical shell. MagIC calculates the non-linear terms on a numerical grid in spherical coordinates, while the time step updates are performed on radial grid points with a spherical harmonic representation of the lateral directions. Several transforms are required to switch between the different representations. The established hybrid parallelization of MagIC uses message-passing interface (MPI) distribution in radius and relies on existing fast spherical transforms using OpenMP. Our new two-dimensional MPI decomposition implementation also distributes the latitudes or the azimuthal wavenumbers across the available MPI tasks and compute cores. We discuss several non-trivial algorithmic optimizations and the different data distribution layouts employed by our scheme. In particular, the two-dimensional distribution data layout yields a code that strongly scales well beyond the limit of the current one-dimensional distribution. We also show that the two-dimensional distribution implementation, although not yet fully optimized, can already be faster than the existing finely optimized hybrid parallelization when using many thousands of CPU cores. Our analysis indicates that the two-dimensional distribution variant can be further optimized to also surpass the performance of the one-dimensional distribution for a few thousand cores.