Časopis pro Právní Vědu a Praxi (Jul 2015)
Dopad vybraných ustanovení nového občanského zákoníku v úpravě veřejných zakázek
The Act on Public Contracts represents primarily a specific area of contractual procedure; however it also includes e.g. guidelines related to change in liability in public contract. In which way will be the selected provisions of the new Civil Code projected during the procedure of awarding the public contracts? Will be possible, in the case of public contracts, to consider exercising a pre-contractual liability and seek damages if the public contracting entity sets aside an award procedure? Will the conclusion change if he public contracting entity breaks the Act on Public Contracts? And is it possible, in the case of public contracts, to consider exercising limits for standard form contracts? If it is, will the court has jurisdiction to change the contract significantly?