Antípoda: Revista de Antropología y Arqueología (Oct 2018)
Entre lo público y lo íntimo. El lugar del proyecto AppRecuerdos en las propuestas de memoria colectiva-Chile
The purpose of this article is to describe and analyze the place occupied by the work AppRecuerdos in the collective memory that was implemented in Chile in 1990, emphasizing the artistic-esthetic, conceptual and methodological principles from which the project emerged and based on which it is shaped. On the one hand, it is interesting to propose reflexive readings regarding the impact caused by the intentional artistic inclusion of personal accounts from political events, violence, and daily life which occurred between 1973-1990 and, on the other, to think about new possibilities to establish an interaction between the subjects, memory, and the city from a work whose conception is based in the present. From the problem of listen, live in the city and being there, an anthropological and esthetic analysis is undertaken that accounts for the contemporary conditions that allow us to rethink the experiences of walking and sound as performative experiential areas for the transmission and inscription of individual and collective memories in the urban space. To do so, the text traces, in the first place, some central elements of collective memory management, which have been developed since 1990, proposing keys to understand the emergence of the work. Second, I describe the AppRecuerdos project and the conditions of its implementation. Finally, I propose an analysis of the work, taking into account the insolvency of the notion from collective memory; the relationship between memory, place, and city; and the revelation of the application as an active and sensory space.