(Jan 2023)
GLI1+ perivascular, renal, progenitor cells: The likely source of spontaneous neoplasia that created the AGMK1-9T7 cell line
- Andrew M. Lewis,
- Gideon Foseh,
- Wei Tu,
- Keith Peden,
- Adovi Akue,
- Mark KuKuruga,
- Daniel Rotroff,
- Gladys Lewis,
- Ilya Mazo,
- Steven R. Bauer
- Andrew M. Lewis
- Gideon Foseh
- Wei Tu
- Keith Peden
- Adovi Akue
- Mark KuKuruga
- Daniel Rotroff
- Gladys Lewis
- Ilya Mazo
- Steven R. Bauer
- Journal volume & issue
Vol. 18,
no. 12
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