پژوهش در دین و سلامت (Dec 2016)

Ethical and Islamic Considerations about Transgenic Animals

  • Raheleh Moradpur,
  • Nayeb Ali Ahmadi,
  • Masoud Nakhaei- Moghadam

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 1, no. 4
pp. 45 – 54


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For downloading the full-text of this article please click here. Background and Objectives: Biotechnology has wide applications in various fields of medicine, industry, agriculture and environment and as a high technology will play an important role in the future of the world. Transgenic animals due to causing theoretically and practically problems are ethical concerns. Species identity of this type of animals is morally confusion. Since transgenic animals must endure the transfer of a specific gene in their genome, the severe consequences may be achieved from this insertion. Unlike animals have undergone horizontal gene transfer during evolution, transgenic animals are not protected by evolutionary processes of gene loss and gain. Therefore, the protection of animals and consumers rights should be considered if the use of this technology will be continued. Produced transgenic animals as clinical models are designed so that they show as much as possible all of the relevant features and symptoms of disease. Scientific debate is whether humans are allowed to manipulate genetic characteristics only for achieving their goals. As the above contents indicate special rules and supervision should be established to prevent any deviation and unethical use of biotechnology. In Islam, researchers have different opinions about using transgenic organisms. The use of genetically modified crops and consequently research and development of technologies related to them are permitted in Shia religion but this permission is subject to observe various aspects of the safety and ethics need to be provided. In the present study, we investigated the application of transgenic animals, the view of Islam(Shia) to transgenic organisms and genetically modified crops, as well as the need to comply with ethical issues in researches and experiments on animals within the framework of internationally accepted rules and Islamic regulations. Keywords: Transgenic animals, Biotechnology, Ethical considerations, Animals Rights For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.