Журнал микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунобиологии (Nov 2019)
Nosocomial respiratory viral infections: state of the problems
We scanned the PubMed search database for literature on the incidence of nosocomial respiratory viral infections (NRVI) published over a ten-year period. Necessity to apply the standard case definition and the laboratory panel based on the multiplex polymerase chain reaction in frequency assessment was established. In general, predominance of rhinoviruses in the etiological structure was detected. Rationale was given for introduction of nonspecific epidemic prevention activities against a broad spectrum of other respiratory pathogens including high-priority respiratory syncytial viruses, metapneumoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza viruses and coronaviruses. Bocaviruses and mimiviruses were designated as rare species. The biological diversity of the pathogens causing NRVI calls for active promotion of molecular genetics techniques in the work of the laboratory services of health facilities to perform quality etiological diagnosis, design relevant antiviral therapy regimens and effective prevention programs whose implementation will lead to significant reduction in the spread risk of these infections and the treatment costs.