Економічний вісник університету (Mar 2016)
Features attraction of foreign investments in Ukraine’s economy
The subject of research is to study the features attraction of foreign investments in Ukraine’s economy. The purpose of research is to analyze the attraction of foreign investments in Ukraine’s economy based on statistics for past years; to define the actual problems of hindering effective attraction of foreign investments and their dependence from any factors; to consider decision of the most important problems; to determine the positive aspects of foreign investments to Ukraine and the world economy; to propose measures of the investment development activities in Ukraine. The results of work are to develop scientific-substantiated recommendations, methods and conclusions, which are directed to define the actual problems of hindering effective attraction of foreign investments in Ukraine’s economy. The measures of the investment development activities in Ukraine are propounded. Practical implications. The actual problems of the foreign coming investments are studied and basic ways their decisions are propounded. The practical recommendations to improve the investment attractiveness of Ukraine's economy are defined. Conclusions. As a result of research was determined that the features attraction of foreign investments in Ukraine to form the modern global space is the orientation on a domestic consumer, to invest the companies with higher profitability and a fast payback period. Today, the actual problems of attraction foreign investments are: political and legislative instability, deficiency of reliable guarantees defense in changes legislation of Ukraine, significant tax and administrative pressure, high levels of corruption and bureaucracy, a significant level of inflation in Ukraine and the complexity of registration, licensing and custom processes. The main ways of solving these problems may be: creating the institution systems and mechanisms that improve the activities of investors in Ukraine and implement the coordinated information-marketing policy that will significantly improve the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the world.