Journal of Technology and Science Education (May 2019)
A sequential explanatory investigation of TPACK: Indonesian science teachers’ survey and perspective
This sequential explanatory design aims at exploring science teachers’ survey and perceptions of technology integration regarding to technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) which focused on quantitative findings supported by qualitative findings. It involved 356 respondents for the survey and eight participants for the interview. Descriptive statistics, T-test and Anova were used in quantitative data analysis while for qualitative data analysis, thematic process was conducted. Findings show that the science teachers’ perception on their technological-based knowledge is lower than non-technological knowledge namely pedagogical and content knowledge. Further, qualitative findings informed in-depth information about technology integration referred to TPACK namely problems in technology integration, advantages of technology integration, students centered learning, knowledge of new technology and its classroom integration, and peer collaboration. Policy recommendation was established for betterment of ICT integration in instruction especially for developing countries.